Hunting & Recreation
Hunting & Recreation

The history and heritage of hunting and other forms of outdoor recreation shape the cultural identities of many of the areas where RMS manages forest assets on behalf of its investors.
Scroll for MoreAs a result, our business philosophy emphasizes the sustainable management of all forest values. We allow controlled access to the lands we manage for hunting, fishing and other recreational pursuits consistent with our investors’ objectives and our own stewardship values. This access is granted to individuals and organized groups through an expansive licensing and land leasing program.
Here are answers to some questions you may have about RMS. If you don't see your question below, contact us.
Most hunting agreements are called leases. Why does RMS use the term License?
In a legal sense, a license is usually considered a privilege conveying permission to enter land or perform some act on the land of another.
Are we able to post the property we license from RMS?
What type of deer stands can we use on the property?
With regard to deer stands, safety is the #1 consideration. The RMS License Agreement and Good Neighbor Policy do not permit stands to be erected within 50 yards of the property line, a hunt club boundary, or a public road (distance from road may be farther depending on state regulations). Stands can not be nailed to trees. They may be fastened with non-metallic fastening devices, or with chains and binders if loosened periodically to prevent them from growing into the tree. Freestanding deer stands are also permitted.
Can we put up a gate on the road leading into the property?
Yes, with permission from the RMS forester responsible for the property, and if done in a manner in keeping with RMS specifications.
Can we plant food plots?
Yes, with permission from the RMS forester responsible for the property, and if the club is willing to keep the plots maintained from year to year.
Is the license renewable?
Yes, unless notified in writing prior to the expiration of the term, or unless the agreement is terminated with cause, the license agreement automatically renews.
Can we have a campsite?
With water? With electricity? In most cases, the answer to all three questions is yes, with approval of the RMS forester responsible for the property. Electric lines must be buried underground, for obvious reasons associated with the harvesting of trees.
Can we use our ATV on the property?
Yes, in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. ATVs are to be used on designated roads, for the purposes of hunting or patrolling the property. They are not permitted to be ridden in streams, or in a manner that leads to erosion.
Who do we contact when we have questions about our hunting license?
At the time the license is issued, or a renewal made, you will be notified who the local contact for your area is, and given their contact information.
How do you determine the price of a hunting license?
Typically we try to establish a price in keeping with the local market value for access to hunting lands. A number of other factors may be considered, including type property, assess to the tract, amenities in place on the property, habitat quality, and diversity of game species that can be hunted.
Is it possible that RMS could sell a piece of property that I have under license?
Yes that is possible. If this happens, the club will be reimbursed a portion of its license fees as per the schedule in the RMS Hunting License.
If I am willing to be considered for a license anywhere, what do I do?
Fill out an application form (available on the RMS web site) for the state(s) in which you have an interest.
I really don't want to start or run a hunting club, but would like to be considered for membership in a club that is already established. What do I do?
Fill out an application form (available on the RMS web site) for the state(s) in which you have an interest, and clearly state on the form you are interested in membership in an existing club.
Why does RMS license land for hunting?
RMS licenses the lands we manage for hunting for a number of reasons. First, in the southern US, hunting clubs are a traditional method of hunting that is also very compatible with forest management. By developing a relationship with a group of hunters on a specific area, the care of the property improves, as does the opportunity to manage the wildlife found on those lands. And the revenue from hunting licenses helps defray some of the costs of land ownership.
Is subleasing permitted?
NO, subleasing is not permitted, and is considered a serious breach of the RMS Hunting License Agreement
Is there a preference shown for who licenses a particular tract?
Typically, when a property comes available, the adjoining landowner or hunting club will be contacted to see if they have an interest. After that, our foresters will consult the waiting list, trying to match up the best qualified group with the type property that is available. Any group with a known history of wildlife violations or demonstrated lack of ability to get along with our neighbors will not be considered.
Can a person or a hunting club apply for more than one available tract?
Typically, license renewals are sent to RMS hunt club customers between April and May of each year, with payment and other required materials due back to us on or before June 30. This is in keeping with our philosophy that we want to keep clubs who are good stewards of the property in place year after year, building a tradition tied in part to the property they license. When a tract becomes available for license, RMS foresters have several ways of determining which prospective club to offer the property for license. The first contact is often a neighboring landowner or existing RMS hunt club. Second, the foresters will check the waiting list in their Region, trying to match the tract up with the club that is, in their opinion, the “best fit”. The third option is to post the available tract on our Hunting and Outdoor Recreation website.
To see if any tracts are available for license for hunting, use the Search All Tracts page. If we have any tracts available in that state, they will be listed. For tracts which are listed as “available” and have a price per acre posted, they are typically licensed to the first qualified club which contacts RMS about the property. You will have to complete an application prior to being approved as qualified. RMS does reserve the right to determine qualified applicants, and make the final decision on the license approval.
If you have an interest in a particular tract, or if you want to be placed on our waiting list, download the “Hunt License Application”, print it off, and mail or fax it to the Region Hunt Club Contact shown on the website.
From time to time, we may list a property on a bid basis – which means we will take bids from qualified applicants up until the time posted. The high bidder will be contacted within 24 hours of the posted close of the auction. RMS reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
The cost of hunt club liability insurance, which is a requirement of the RMS Hunting License Agreement, is included in the recreational license invoice.